Gluten Free Google Trending: Response to Gluten Dude

19 Feb

Both the term gluten free and the term Celiac are moving upward on Google Trend Analytic. I am a researcher and I study the growth, and movement of gluten free and celiac within the community.

(1) It is important to know that Celiac is a term often used in solo and organizations across the globe have been fighting for years as to whether the term disease should be attached.

(2) According to a consortium at Stanford 3 years ago, the term celiac is increasing awareness at the rate of an epidemic, slow and steady.  The gluten free trend, if you see the following graph, is increasing awareness of celiac at a faster rate then before the google trending began.

Google Trending: Gluten Free vs Celiac vs Celiac Disease

I am an advocate for change and it appears that many of you are like-minded.

I have been working night and day for 5 years now to change the Sacramento and out lying areas into increased gluten awareness and gluten free safety. I sit as a label reading expert for the State of California and I am working with groups of like minded individuals to make changes in food safety and awareness of celiac, gluten intolerance, gluten allergies and gluten sensitivity. Yet we are fighting against big organizations, in particular an organization that controls commerce & an organization that controls the grocery industry.

What I recommend is that we stop looking at who needs to be gluten free and who doesn’t need to be gluten free and we start looking at how we can band together.  We are stronger as a group then we are as individuals.

Gluten Dude does a great job advocating for change through social media and I recommend that we all connect together and become social advocates for change. We are our community and it is us who can take action and change the environment we live in.

I am available online through:

If you’re a business catering to gluten free individuals, I am also available for contact through linked in:

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